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Change may be on the way

Written by on November 21, 2024

THE EDITOR: Rushton Paray and the many other UNC members who may believe that the UNC cannot win the next general election unless there are fundamental changes in the faces of the UNC, must look at history in charting the way forward.

Unlike the PNM, the UNC base has been through many incarnations. DLP, Club 88, ULF and UNC have all had a common base. The UNC under Basdeo Panday is said to be a different party from that under Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

What it indicates is that the base at various times followed leaders who they felt could lead them to victory at the polls. Name was not what they were loyal to. They were always loyal to hope, an idea that tomorrow can be better.

It is that hope that must motivate the UNC base to move on from a feeling of despair. No one leader should hold any political movement in such a state of stagnation where it may seem that the only way forward is loss after loss.

The PNM has challenges that are different. Its challenges are how to remain in service at a time when the economy seems to be in decline and crime is a major factor in most communities. It too must seek ways to redefine itself by the personnel that represent its party.

TT can only move forward with prosperity and peaceful stability if we allow our young intelligent leaders to replace those who seek office and position ahead of what is best for the country. That requires leaders like Paray and others who dare to speak up against what they see as ineptitude within their party to boldly lead.

Politicians who are seeking change may be encouraged to test the political waters and offer themselves as viable alternatives to what exists. There are many politicians and aspiring political parties that feel the only way forward is to appease the existing leadership of both major parties and hope that they will be given a chance to join them on a victorious path. Even if that is successful, the result may not be the change that is necessary to take TT forward.

Change is necessary for growth and development. But change is only possible if leaders believe in their ability to make that change. If they are successful, financial patriots would come forward to support their effort. The good people of the country who want a better tomorrow will join in the movement.

Change is possible if one were to embrace the audacity of hope.


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The post Change may be on the way appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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