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Suggestion for diversification

Written by on January 4, 2025

THE EDITOR: Over the Christmas season the discussion of foreign exchange popped up again. With many pointing fingers and complaining about how we spend too much on imported items, from grapes to fireworks.

One item that has escaped attention is chocolate. It is consumed in inordinate amounts generally throughout the year, though especially around the holidays, with many people using it in baking or making drinks.

The issue, though, is that it is mostly in the form of imported chips, bars and powder that use up scarce foreign exchange. This can be rectified by establishing an integrated cocoa processing facility, such as those used by large-scale producers like Nestle, Hershey’s and Cargill.

This will not only reduce the cost of the above mentioned items, but also provide a market for our milk and local cocoa producers, along with creating a potential export industry.


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The post Suggestion for diversification appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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