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Choose different teacher for extra lessons

Written by on February 6, 2025

THE EDITOR: If you know your child needs extra lessons to pass an exam, please, if you can afford it, hire an outsider from somewhere else to give your child the opportunity to understand a new teacher who may explain the lessons differently.

In case it is a scam to make extra money, the same teacher who is not able to get a child to fully understand his/her lessons from 8 am to 3 pm in the classroom should not be offering to teach the same child privately.

There are also many distractions during the school week, like teachers not turning up for class and children left without supervision, or “dress-up” day when the child can pay a fee to be allowed to wear make-up, any hairstyle and an outfit other than the uniform.

So, parents, if you must pay for extra lessons for your child after school hours, choose a different teacher with a good record of exam passes.


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The post Choose different teacher for extra lessons appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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