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Racism and politics do not go together

Written by on February 20, 2025

THE EDITOR: Among the aims and objectives embodied in the PNM’s constitution since 1956, which were religiously adhered to by the political leaders and demonstrated in the governance of the country, whether in government or in opposition, is the following tenet:

“The People’s National Movement (PNM) is a political organisation pledged to the maintenance of the rule of the law, founded upon democratic principles, basic human rights and dignity, and dedicated to the raising of the moral and material standards of the citizens of TT, and the promotion of their progress in all fields – political, economic, social, moral and cultural” – excerpt from the PNM constitution.

From its inception, the PNM’s first chairman was Learie Constantine, with his vice chairman Dr Ibbit Mosaheb, which signalled to the country that the PNM is open to every creed and race.

We acknowledge the fact that the majority of our support base comes from the African Trinidadian/Tobagonian community, just as the UNC acknowledges that its base comes from the Indian Trinidadian/Tobagonian community. However, the PNM, in adherence to our constitution, caters to all; every creed and race finds an equal place under the PNM, this national movement’s tent.

Even though the citizens of TT know this and have experienced this, because of the inanities uttered by the opposition leader I am moved to debunk her statements which in her heart of hearts she knows are not true.

And so we witness another attempt by the opposition leader in the most “obscene” way to accuse the PNM of racism in a court matter that involves her party member who sits in the House of Representatives.

Dr Rowley made a profound statement during his press conference when he said, “I want to say something here to the people of TT, especially the East Indian population; you have nothing to fear from the rest of the population. The law will determine who is police and who is thief.”

Compare Rowley’s statement to that of the late Dr Eric Williams, then leader of the PNM, when he lambasted party supporters attending a convention in the sixties. He said: “It is a crime against PNM, treason to the national community, for PNM supporters to sneer, as some did a few days ago on Wrightson Road, at Indians wearing balisier shirts. What would you prefer them to wear? A flaming torch tie (the DLP symbol)?

“I call upon all party members to stop once and for all this infuriating nonsense that every Indian is anti-PNM. Every Indian is not anti-PNM nor is every white. Some of the worst enemies of the PNM are as black as the ace of spades. Reaction knows no colour. What is the colour of the opposition in Ghana or India?”

So today, PNM political leader Rowley stands on solid ground, as Williams did, when it comes to dealing with racism and politics in TT. They do not go together, especially in our country where we say/sing in our national anthem, “here every creed and race finds an equal place”

I am mindful of the fact that our political opponents will not stop in their ruthless way to promote racism in their vain attempt to govern our beloved country once again. However, it must not be allowed to find shade or fester. This is not the reality of our beloved twin-island republic.

ASHTON FORD former general secretary, PNM

The post Racism and politics do not go together appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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