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Run something, minister

Written by on March 4, 2025

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Sport Minister Shamfa Cudjoe.

I write not through anger but influenced by a bit of frustration in the way sport as therapy is underutilised and sometimes abused in the society. So many avenues are disregarded: sport for tourism, neglected; sport to curb crime, I have not seen a plan; and sport to uplift citizens socially seem to be mere ole talk.

“Don’t worry about a thing/’cause every little thing is gonna be all right” – Bob Marley’s assurance in song to those coming behind. My concern must reach you raw and uncut. This is from a pen that is rational, for the writer has given heart and soul to a discipline for over five decades.

Come down from your ivory tower and converse with the downtrodden and exploited. With a salary upwards of $60,000, I know it is unthinkable to step into the trenches and get your shoes soiled.

You have aired on several occasions to give back to society by way of volunteerism, a theory that only the well-to-do will take for granted. It is a very principled position if it is the norm of the entire society that has its focus on nation-building.

Volunteerism should be reserved for one-off large international events where the need for manpower is excessive. Even in this situation personnel in the upper part of the hierarchy receive not stipends, but full-fledged salaries to match their level of skill. In this same situation the volunteer will be contented with an “events jersey” or any other memorabilia.

The lowly placed volunteer will also have living expenses: travelling, meals and may even have to put some domestic duties on hold to join the band of volunteers.

The situation may become even more untenable when the volunteer has to “buy substitute help” to cover domestic commitments to make himself/herself available for the voluntary service. There is no compensation for such diligence, except the satisfaction of doing it. I know that man does not live by bread alone. But can he survive on satisfaction alone?

Over five decades I have been supporting a discipline whole-heartedly, going neck and neck with the administration, the athletes and coaches and I do not have a bicycle to show.

I have supported the administrators, good and bad. I have trained individuals and national athletes, successful and unsuccessful, and toured with them and never given a stipend or per diem or pocket change in case of emergency (athletes falling ill, getting injured or needing medical care).

At that point in time I was so enthused to act in that capacity. Going on international tours meant that I had to hire coaches to conduct my private classes and other help to ensure that my domestic duties were not interrupted.

In retrospect, only heaven alone knows how things always worked out well.

My participation in that national governing body was sometimes not even rewarded with thank you. It was truly a labour of love.

However, Madam Minister, look at the world trend. The countries that excel in sport have full-time paid officials, but we are rewarded with peanuts to compete.

My major request is to have paid officials run the national bodies; regular stipends for supporting domestic effort. But nothing! No way. If we have to support you in spreading the gospel of sport, our effort must have some worth.

Consider, maybe the reason why administrators fail, as reflected in the lack of sporting achievements, partly, is that there is no compensation. Even when business people (whose bread is already buttered) fail in their attempts, it’s because the effort does not bring additional revenue or accolades, or it just does not matter, and even this group might be in it for the ride and then the ride ends in corruption.

Madam Minister, why do you look so sad and forsaken? We too are people of substance and know that when one door is closed many more will open.

Think again and give Jack his jacket.


via e-mail

The post Run something, minister appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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