Seeing Sea Lots
Written by Newsday on March 8, 2025
TWO VERY different stories about Sea Lots have been told in recent days.
There is the story of Yung Bredda’s Carnival season rise, culminating in him becoming the people’s choice at Dimanche Gras on March 2.
And there is the story of crime, paraded to the office of acting Commissioner of Police Junior Benjamin by a group of at least 35 people on Ash Wednesday, March 5.
It is as though, for Sea Lots residents, after revelry has come penance. In fact, their plight began even before priests distributed ashes, with community members reporting a spike in violent attacks since J’Ouvert, March 3.
Both stories speak of the inability of the national community to see Sea Lots, in all its dimensions, properly. Both highlight long-term deficiencies within the public imagination and within the community policing policies of the TTPS.
Conflicting reports have emerged since residents spoke out. The roles of perpetrator and victim have been interchanged. Meanwhile, there are suggestions of both internal and external clashes.
This morass only points to weaknesses within the police service, which should have a stronger presence on the ground, should have deeper and more meaningful ties to residents, should be capable of knowing what is going on or, at the very least, should not be reportedly turning individuals from one police station to the next as they attempt to file reports.
Residents felt pressed to walk directly to the Police Administration Building in Port of Spain and, even there, faced obstacles: they did not meet the dress code; one officer apparently redirected them yet again, telling them, facetiously, to lodge a complaint with local gangsters.
If true, this officer’s tone would be astonishing not only for its unprofessionalism, but also because the police are always begging people to come forward.
But for the residents of Sea Lots, it was ever thus.
Stigmatisation is but one of their concerns as they contend with deprivation, environmental issues, infrastructure deficiencies, education disparities and limited healthcare.
Worrying, as well, are claims being made that the root of the surge in violence relates to out-of-control youngsters. Such claims are enough to highlight how all communities, not just this one, are reliant on multiple levels of engagement: law enforcement, economic and social.
Doing necessary work in this regard are organisations such as the Sea Lots Legacy Foundation.
The Roman Catholic Church, not long ago, in co-ordination with its Eternal Light Community, also refurbished a vocational school.
However, more bridges are needed.
Ultimately, both Sea Lots stories are the same story. It is that realisation that must be the starting point for a wider reconciliation inside and outside this community.
Acting Commissioner of Police Junior Benjamin speaks to Sea Lots residents after they went to the Police Administration Building, Edward Street, Port of Spain, on Ash Wednesday, March 5, to make a report of criminal activities taking place in their community.
The post Seeing Sea Lots appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.