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Submissions open for 3rd Herbees awards

Written by on March 2, 2025

SUBMISSIONS are now open for the third-ever Herbees Awards, set for April 12-13.

This year’s categories for the cannabis-themed event include best outdoor and indoor grow, best edibles and cannapreneur of the year.

The event was started by Quilin “Empress Q” Achat in 2022.

She told Newsday the first year, although it was virtual, was great. So she continued in 2023 but was unable to host in 2024. But now, it’s back.

She owns the company called Stay Calm It’s A Plant, which sells cannabis-infused products including massage oils, skin and haircare products, among other things.

When she saw Jamaica had something similar, she became inspired to try something similar here.

Marijuana is decriminalised in Trinidad and Tobago. People can have up to 30 grammes of cannabis in their possession and grow up to four plants on their property.

Surpassing these amounts can lead to fines as high as $250,000, up to 30 hours of community service, and up to five years imprisonment.

Achat explained, “So the first time they did it was in the Rastafari community there and then they made the Cannabis Cup. And I remember watching that and thinking, ‘We have so many growers here, I know so many people who make edibles.’”

She said she wanted to award people for their entrepreneurial ventures, despite the stigmatisation of the herb.

On the continued stigma, Achat, a Rastafarian, said, “I feel it is almost absurd at this point.”

She said legality and the removal of stigma can introduce Trinidad and Tobago to a thriving cannabis industry.

“When you look at our economy and you look at how oil and gas is, you know, our main refinery is closed down…What are we relying on? And cannabis is one of the answers.

“People look at ganja and they think, ‘Okay, everybody just wants to smoke and get high.’ That is not it.”

She said she still could not understand how alcohol and cigarettes are normalised but cannabis is frowned upon.

“People go out and have cocktails because they want to feel a particular way. That is why they drink alcohol. And with cannabis, you can get medicinal benefits and the euphoric feeling.”

Quilin “Empress Q” Achat –

She said government’s lack of “pioneering education” about cannabis, as well as “not trying to reform the whole issue about this whole Dangerous Drugs Act” is part of the problem.

“My stance will and always will be that ganja is a plant. Why should we pay a government money to grow a plant.”

For the best outdoor and indoor grow category, at least 28 grammes of cannabis must be submitted, along with the strain name. For the best edibles, they must enter 15 pieces of what ever food item they choose. And for the Cannapreneur of the year, the person must have been in business for at least a year and have a social media presence.

Winners will receive a trophy, round-trip ferry ticket for Tobago, a personalised cake and sponsored prizes from Ed’s Kitchen and Bong Babe.

Second place will get a medal, cupcake and sponsored prizes, while third gets a medal and a sponsored “grow nutrients” package.

Interested competitors are asked to contact staycalmitsaplantt on Instagram.

Non-competitors interested in attending can buy their $50 tickets at the Montrose, Warrenville and UWI branches of Up In Smoke. Each day would require a different ticket.

April 12 will focus on edibles and April 13, smoking.

The location will be e-mailed to all purchasers closer to the date.

“Attendees will get a swag bag. It’s going to have some high-end items. And they are going to get a welcome drink.

“They could buy from the cannapreneurs who will be there on both days. We will have live music, games…”

She said there will be ten people’s choice judges and five celebrity judges.

“They will have six hours on both days.

“For smoking, it will be judged based on appearance, taste, effect and smell. And for edibles, it would be appearance, taste, potency, and effect.”

Local businesses Up In Smoke and Casa Fam’s One-Stop Grow Shop will sponsor the event.

Up In Smoke said it is proud to support initiatives that “provide a platform for local cannabis enthusiasts to showcase their products and artistry to a wider audience.

“By amplifying these voices, we aim to foster creativity and community within the industry. We are also committed to raising awareness to the benefits legal cannabis can bring to our society.”

The second sponsor shared similar sentiments, saying it is looking forward to “empowering cultivators.

“This event presents a fantastic opportunity co connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange insights and discover the transformative power of hydroponics in cannabis cultivation.”

Submissions close on March 30.


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