Author: Paolo Kernahan
Paolo Kernahan There’s a reason the PNM is often pejoratively described as a masonic lodge – secret handshakes, special favours for members, bizarre rituals, etc. We were reminded of this as the party worked frantically to suture fissures the Rowley-led coronation of Stuart Young as PM-designate opened up. Rebel MPs who demurred on signing a […]
Paolo Kernahan THE DECLARATION of a state of emergency (SoE) hasn’t impressed anyone other than party sycophants and some business groups – one and the same. It certainly hasn’t sowed fear in the hearts of our killer elite. Murders continued unabated, even as the measure was being announced. Hit squads pressed forward with their slate […]
Paolo Kernahan RECOMMENDATIONS for wage increases for the PM and other government officials were always going to be a hard sell, even in the best circumstances…which is the opposite of where we are now. There have been quite a few notable voices, though, in favour of the SRC’s recommendations which will gild the pensions and […]