Trinidad & Tobago Newsday
Page: 6
WHO IS Stuart Young, the prime minister-designate? For most of the last ten years, he seemed to be the go-to guy in Cabinet, Dr Rowley’s man-of-business for difficult situations and problem positions, and one of the few choices to act in the role during his absence. He’s never missed an opportunity to present himself as […]
Debbie Jacob NOW THAT our annual musical interlude is behind us, it’s time to focus on one of our most pressing issues: education. Important news stories get lost in Carnival, so it’s important to revisit one on education that appeared during that time. This story came from a public inquiry held with some education stakeholders […]
BitDepth#1501 Mark Lyndersay FOR MOST of the 30-year life of this column, I’ve used this space, around this time, to comment on the state of the nation’s signature festival. The commentary had been running for at least a decade before BitDepth came along, and it seems appropriate, barring some particularly egregious development in the festival, […]
Taureef Mohammed WHAT does it mean to get old? As a doctor who sees old people in the hospital and outpatient clinics, I have a skewed view: getting old means more medical problems – more doctor visits, more medications, more aches and pains, decreasing kidney function, stiffened blood vessels, increased risk of dementia, cancer, and […]
An annual fund-raising bazaar at the Parvati Girls’ Hindu College came to an abrupt end on March 8 after a suspended student of another school stabbed three teens in the school’s disco. Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Secretary General Vijay Maharaj told Newsday the incident happened shortly before 5 pm, despite the presence of at least […]
The Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government has donated $300,000 to the steelpan tuner apprenticeship programme, a progamme driven by the Ministry of Trade and implemented by the MIC Institute of Technology. The provincial government made the donation during a visit to Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee-Scoon at the ministry, Nicholas Towers, Port of Spain, […]
Assistant Secretary in the THA Division of Tourism, Culture, Antiquities and Transportation Niall George is questioning whether the returns on the investment into national Carnival are worthwhile. He was speaking on the Tobago Updates morning show on March 7. This year, there was no parade of the bands in Roxborough, much to the chagrin of […]
THE UNC has questioned the true intent of prime minister-designate Stuart Young’s plans for social media reform. The party also believes the promise is just a public relations stunt ahead of the 2025 general election. Speaking at the PNM National Women’s League’s International Women’s Day celebrations on Saturday, Young said the government will reform laws […]
A D’Abadie man has been charged with the murder of Lennox Williams and attempted murder of another man, both of which occurred on March 3. Marlon Quashie, 46, a security guard, was charged with the offences when he appeared before Master Whitney Franklin, at the South Court C, on March 7. The sufficiency hearing date […]
A Chinese national and C3 Shopping Centre business owner was shot in the mall’s carpark and relieved of $230,000 and his vehicle on the night of March 8. Police said Shi Yyan, who lives in La Romaine, was walking to his white Toyota Hiace in the mall’s carpark when he was approached by two men […]